Luckily there are some small things I can share with you, starting with a group shot of some more wip Inq Stormtroopers:

Naturally these guys needs some extra work to make them a bit more 40K. So I'm thinking that they need a purity seal here and there, a pouch or two and maybe some extra radio equipment on the guy with the antenna stuck to his head gear.
Moving on we have the some work on the second count-as Elites Inquisitor - Proctor Valarak. Given that the above Stormtroopers have a bit of a police, or Arbites, feel to them I thought it only suitable that their 'special character' would be something along the lines of an Arbites judge. I actually took the term Proctor from an Arbites character in a Dark Heresy book (Purge the Unclean I believe).

- Baneblade commander legs
- Elysian chestpiece
- Necromunda Scavvy dog
- Cadian heavy weapon team rocket arm
- Cadian command stick arm
- medal from the SM commander kit
- Cadian respirator head from FW
The little extra piece on the bottom of his rebreather actually comes from the Elysian chest piece, the tubing on it originally led up to a respirator mask on the chest. Now it serves as some kind of techy thing, that still needs some work of course. Originally I was going to get one of those Necromunda cyberhounds, but I just love this beasty so much I couldn't resist settling on him!
And finally we have a close-combat veteran for Lorr's retinue, using another bit of non-GW kit:

So that does it for this update, I'll do my best to get some more stuff done soon. Or, at the very least, make certain I put up some more update this week about whatever is going on in my little corner of the wargaming universe!
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