Now we all love our GW stuff, but every now and then other companies come up with some amazing stuff as well. Over the years I, as well as a ton of other hobbyists have been keeping an eye on these other, usually much smaller companies.
So, with special thanks to everybody who has made suggestions and comments in the thread over at Astronomican (link), I now have the first version of the lesser known miniature ranges and companies-list. This list will be updated regularly and will be added to my right sidebar for everybody to enjoy and use.
Which only leaves me to apologies for the extra money that may be disappearing from your wallets after seeing all this excellent stuff!
Lesser manufacturers, games and miniature lines:
- 15mm - 15mm ranges for pretty much anything you can come up with
- Aberrant Games - Warlords & Rezolution
- Acheson Creations - terrain pieces in a myriad of categories and some minis to boot
- A.D. Publishing - Gear Krieg
- Aegis Figures - pewter minis and bits
- AGNM - 1/56th WWII resin minis
- Alpha Forge Games - 3 main ranges, Sci-Fi, Fantasy and Horror - News & Latest Releases page - page appears to broken right now
- Anakron Miniatures Studio - french company with a growing ranges of minis and busts
- Antenocitis Workshop - fantasy, scifi, brassed etch and supplies store
- Arcane Legions - card and formation driven wargame with plastic, pre-painted miniatures
- Architects of War - American Uncivil War
- Armorcast. - models and terrain for Fantasy, Steampunk, Modern and Sci-Fi genres, cinematic effects (including laser effects)
- Artizan Designs - 28mm miniature ranges focused on the dark ages and WWI / II
- Avatar's of War full range of fantasy heroes
- Aventine Miniatures - 28mm Roman-era miniatures
- Back 2 Base-Ix - bases and other wargaming materials
- Black Cat Bases - various, steampunk and fantasy minis and terrain
- Blackhat Miniatures - Previews page - minis from 15mm to 28mm
- Black Orc Games - Hundred Kingdoms & Warband
- Black Scorpion Games - aliens, pirates & fantasy football games
- Brigade Models - games and minis from 6mm, to larger stuff, including Iron Stars, StarmadaX and Celtos
- Bronze Age Miniatures - various fantasy ranges
- C-P Models - 20mm WW and 28mm scifi and fantasy minis
- Calvacade Wargames - various 28mm fantasy miniatures, as well as Dragonblood Miniatures
- Castle Kits - fantasy, scifi and dungeon terrain
- Chapterhouse Studios - various conversion bits for SM, Tyranids and Eldar
- CNC Miniature Scenery - produce a vast range of wooden templates, building/vehicle kits, as well as handy painting racks
- Conquest Miniatures - 28 mm historical minis
- Consortium Universe - various scifi minis
- Cool Mini or Not webshop - has a broad range of different miniatures lines available
- Copplestone Castings - historical, fantasy, sci-fi, and minis reresenting pop culture versions of 19th and early 20th century era & Future Wars
- Corvus Beli - 15 mm historical, 28mm fantasy War Crow range and 28mm scifi Infinite range
- Critical Mass Games - specialised in 15mm scifi miniatures
- Crocodile Games - Wargods of Aegyptus
- Cryptlock Miniatures - expanding range of monsterous creatures
- Dark Age Games - Dark Age
- Dark Art Miniatures, produce mainly themed resin bases, but they do have a game called Brutal!
- Darkson Designs - AE-WWII / AE:Bounty
- Dark Sword Miniatures - various fantasy ranges, including several funny frogmen sculpts
- Dragon Forge - bases galore
- Dream Pod 9 - Heavy Gear
- DSG Games - various fantasy-themed miniatures
- Dwarven Forge - pre-painted, polystone scenery kits that will last you a lifetime
- Dreamforge Games - up and coming new company
- Easterfront Studios - dungeon and fantasy miniatures
- eM-4 miniatures plastic and metal miniatures (including Combat Zone), paintbrushes, dice, and a whole load of accessories
- Enigma Miniatures - founded by Raul Garcia Latorre, mainly produces 30mm and 54mm miniatures - their newspage.
- Eureka Miniatures - just about any setting and in any scale, they have something for everybody
- Faction Wars - rules and pewter weapons
- Fantascene - gothic terrain
- Fantasy Flight Games - Dark Heresy, Rogue Trader, Anima Wars, Mutant Chronicles, Wings of War etc
- Fat Dragon Game - tilepackages and cardboard terrain
- Fenris Games - Ebay-based producer of resin bits and bases
- Fenryll - Brothers in Arms and Dungeon Twister as well as various ranges of 28mm miniatures and a collectors range of 54-75mm miniatures dedicated to fantasy, horror, adventure, Sci-Fi, post apocalyptic, and humour - New products page
- Fiendish Fabrications - 30mm minis, scenic bases, Cityscape modular terrain and Sinister Warcrows
- Foundry Miniatures - 28mm Historical, Fantasy and Science Fiction models
- Four A Miniatures - various monstrous minis
- Gale Force 9 - gaming aides
- Gamezone Miniatures - tons of highly detailed, fantasy miniatures
- Gaspez Arts - fantasy adventure and football miniatures.
- Gripping Beast - vast range of 15mm miniatures
- Grindhouse Games - Junk & Incursion
- Hasslefree Miniatures, and their shop. - 54mm, 40mm, and 28mm scale miniatures & bits
- Harwood Hobbies - fantasy and Cthulhu-inspired miniatures
- Hell Dorado game (french) - Sneak-Preview page
- Heresy Miniature - tons and tons of awesome sculpts and great place for putty and sculpting tools as well
- Hydra Miniatures - scifi ships and minis
- ID works - resin bases and scenic bits
- Imbrian Arts - 32mm fantastic fantasy miniatures, including the new Goblin range
- Impact Miniatures - sports-based models, including those for their fantasy based football/rugby game called Elfball.
- Ironclad Miniatures - ironclads and various 20mm ranges
- Iron Halo - scenic bases
- Ironwind Metals - fantasy & scifi minis
- Irregular Miniatures - 2-76mm scale miniatures
- JoeK Minis - stunning fantasy miniatures
- Kabuki models - 30mm+ sized models
- Kingdom Death - a steadily growing range of highly detailed fantasy miniatures
- Khurasan Miniatures - vast range of 15mm, historical armies from various eras and regions, as well has a whole bunch of 28mm scifi & pulp minis
- Knight Models - highly detailed superheroes and Star Wars miniatures
- Kromlech - various resin accesories, weapons and heads (also sold in the Maxmini store)
- Lead Adventures - steampunk / post-apocalyptic miniatures
- Legends of Kalidasia - scifi fleet action
- Magister Militum - 10-28mm fantasy miniatures
- Manorhouse - huge range of highly-detailed terrain pieces
- Mantic Games - various fantasy armies and there blog
- Mad Puppet Miniatures - 28-40 mm characters that will work with various fantasy, scifi and steam punk settings
- Maow Miniatures - French company that produces special collectors miniatures, and some off-the wall stuff like their living paint bottles
- Masqurade Miniatures - various resin minis and bits, including giant riding wolves
- Maxmini - conversions kits and bits
- Mercsminis - Mercs rules and highly detailed miniatures
- Micro Art Studios - excellent bases, conversion bits (amazons, orks & gretchin)
- Micropanzer - 15-40mm scifi miniatures, including the awesome light assault warbots
- Mississinewa Miniatures - bugs, cultists, trolls and much more
- Mongoose Publishing - large array of different miniature ranges and rulesets
- Moonlight Miniatures - skeleton pirates, yaaaaarrh!
- Mr. Dandy - toymaker who is also making alternative minis suitable for 40K usage
- M.S.B. Toys - broad range of very characterful, fantasy miniatures (including porcs, elephants, rhinoceros and fishmen)
- Musketeer Miniatures - 28mm historic and WW1 miniatures
- Old Crow Models - various 6mm, 15mm, and 25mm scale vehicles as well as a 25/28 scenery range
- Olley's Armies - fantasy and scifi 28mm minis, including the famous Scrunts
- On the Lamb Games - Brushfire & Legendary Realms
- Otherworld Miniatures - dungeon and fantasy-themed minis, ideal for D&D players
- Pardulon Miniatures - resin minis and terrain pieces
- Paulson Games - resin bits and bobs
- Perry Miniatures - a broad range of historic minis and scenery
- Pig Iron Productions - awesome minis and a huge range of IG-usable helmet/head kits
- Plasma Blast Games - 15mm scifi vehicles
- PK-Pro - resin bases
- Privateer Press - Warmachine, Hordes and various other games
- Pulp City - superhero-themed rules and minis
- Quantum Gothic - expanding range of resin scifi buildings and accesories
- Raging Heroes - various awesome hero/monster sculpts
- Ramshackle Games - excellent range of (steam punk) vehicles biks, gangers and conversions bits
- Reaper Miniatures - Cav, Chronoscope, Warlords and various other tools and supplies
- Rebel Minis - various 15 mm miniatures, terrain and rulesets
- Regiment Games -15mm, 28mm fantasy & scifi (the excellent Drantakh and Rar ranges)
- Rusted Heroes - models around the 25-28mm mark. Factions are; Knights Of The Rose, Dragon Knights, Norse Invaders, Mercenaries and The Ancients
- Sacred Blade Miniatures - 28mm Modern Military minis and 32mm Sci-Fi minis (uncertain whether this company still excists)
- Scale Hardware - rivets and metal bits of extremely varying sizes and uses
- Scibor Miniatures - fabulous custom bases, Moskals, Goblins, Dwarfs and even Scifi minis
- Scotia Grendel - company that not only produce their own micro model range but also sell Kryomek (25mm Sci-Fi), Collectair (aircraft), Grendel (resin scenics), Ship To Shore (WWII naval vessels), Urban Mammoth, and Void products -
- Secret Weapon - scenic bases, display bases and etched brass letters and runes
- Shadow Forge - an Australian company producing ranges in 28mm, 32mm, and 35mm, mostly female figures
- Smart Max - producers of the ace Mauser Earth and Smog 1888 miniatures
- Soda Pop Miniatures - Relic Knights & Super Dungeon Explore (cute and fun at the same time!)
- Spartan Games - the uncharted seas, firestorm, death or glory & heroes of myth and legend
- Spinespur, & others, at comfychair games. - modern/futuristic horror models & range
- Splintered Light Minis - fantasy 15/17 mm ranges
- Sprigan Miniatures - home of the Spugs
- Studio McVey - steadily growing range of extremely detailed fantasy and scifi miniatures
- Taban Miniatures - the excellent minis for the Eden skirmish game
- Tabletop Art - various resin scenic bits, as well as fantasy miniatures
- Tabletop World - resin building kits focused on a medieval theme
- Tales of War - Spanish producer of various fantasy minis
- Tengu Models - 28mm minis, including greys and zombie clowns
- Terragnosis - various rather unique fantasy and scifi minis
- The Assault Group - various historic miniature ranges
- Thormarillion - various resin scenery pieces, bits and bobs
- Tobson Miniatures - steampunk vehicles and minis
- Tor Gaming - team-punk, fairytale-inspired minis for the Relics game
- Troll Forged Miniature - scifi & fantasy minis as well as various accesories - their blog
- Ultraforge Miniatures - daemons, dragons, treepeople and daemon princes
- Urban Mammoth - Warzone miniatures & Warheads
- Victoria Lamb - various scifi and fnatasy minis and bits, including cadian-competible kilt-kits
- Victory Forge Games - historic and fantasy miniatures
- Victrix ltd - plastic miniatures focused on stuff from the Napoleon wars period
- Voodoo Worx - scenic bases
- Wargames Factory - historic miniatures, community-driven releases and a soon to come scifi range - also available through North Star Figures - BEWARE, company has issues with investors. May be better to hold off on buying stuff until everything gets sorted out.
- Warlord Games - vast range of historical miniatures
- Westwind Productions - history, weird WWII minis
- Willy Miniatures - fantasy football miniatures
- WorldWorks Games - printable terrain, kits and downloads (including themes like sci-fi, horror and fantasy)
- Wyrd Miniatures - home of the much acclaimed Malifaux Miniature range
- Zenith Miniatures - skirmish-type of game and miniatures
- Zombie Smith- Quar, Nysians and various sci-fi/horror minis
Mechanicum - Ursarax Tech Thralls #2
4 days ago
Ya forgot my other love, Wyrd, makers of Maulifaux.
ReplyDeleteApologies, somehow Wyrd disappeared from the list. And the producer of Malifaux most definitely deserves some more exposure.
ReplyDeleteThanks for the heads up Laz!
I think this might be of interest to you Heph, what with your liking for monsters.
Awe inspriring list btw, fantastically well done.
A question, is there any chance of including the scale of the minis or are they all 28mm?
ReplyDeleteHope it's not too much of a problem.
Fantastic list -- thanks for compiling it!
ReplyDeleteyea great list, could i suggest adding chapter house miniatures also?
ReplyDeleteThanks guys, it will continue to expand over the coming weeks and months!
ReplyDelete@ E - that would indeed be helpful, I'll see if I can find a way to include it and keep stuff easy to view.
@ Musing of a Smurf - excellent suggestion, I need to check my notes and internet links as I noticed there are a few others missing as well.
Next update coming in a couple of days!
And updated, figured I might as well do it right away. Nearly 10 new and overlooked sites added!
Wow, nice list you have there. Very cool.
ReplyDeleteAwesome, more lists of manufacturers is always good.
ReplyDeleteFor those that don't know, is also a good resource for keeping up with who's doing what in the tabletop gaming industry.
Thanks for this list very cool of you to collect all that information.
ReplyDeleteI have linked to you from my blog as well.
My pleasure mate, about time I start updating it a bit. So keep an eye out for some new stuff in the next 2 weeks somewhere (got a US trip in there as well, so probably will take the full 2 weeks).
ReplyDeleteYou're missing Pulp Figures - Pulp era game and fantastic miniatures.
ReplyDeleteHi, if you are still maintaining this list you could probably add my site : ! - resin & metal minis [vengeance miniatures]
ReplyDeleteCan I request that you please add Screaming Mob Miniatures?
ReplyDeleteI have listed 115 manufacturers of 28 mm miniatures for wargame :
I hope you will find it useful ;),
Have a good day.