Today let us have a look at a rather unusual, but very cool set of minis. JoeK Minis' Odyssey range (link).
Some of you may know Joe Karame as running one of the small, independent companies that work together under the British Indie, or Brindie, moniker (link) that also include Warploque Miniatures, Infamy Miniatures and White Dragon Miniatures. Others may have seen his excellent work on the studio paintjobs for games like Arcworlde and Twilight: World of Anyaral.
JoeK minis has in the past also helped to create a range of very nice character models and the rather imposing Troll diorama based of Paul Bonner's artwork from the Trudvang rpg. All models I really liked in concept and even had the pleasure to paint up a few of those really nicely cast models. So when JoeK started teasing a new range of Greek mythology-inspired models fused with some techy, scifi elements I was most definitely intrigued.
Over the last couple of months I've accumulated the entire current Odyssey range and with a little bit of luck will even get around to painting them this year. So the ideal time to have a closer look at these beautiful casts, that though not belonging to a specific game or rule set are bound to be great additions to both collectors and users of dynamic rules sets like a Song of Blades and Heroes. In addition I think it's also rather cool that JoeK Minis gives proper credit to the concept artist and sculptors, something I think we could see more of in the industry!
Concept: Roberto Cirillo & Sculpt:Robby Crawforth:
Hephaestus was the first model released for the range and this beast of a sculpt instantly sold the entire concept to me.There's a ridiculous amount of detail on the model, while it still manages to have a clear, focused design that sets him apart from the heroes and god model of the rest of the range. He's truly lumbering across the field as an unstoppable juggernaut.
Concept: Roberto Cirillo & Sculpt: Robby Crawforth:
Apollo was the second, big model for the range and is really hammering down a lot of smaller designs and elements we see in the hero models. A fairly challenging model to pose, I'd definitely suggest pinning his right leg to the base to give a stable starting position.
The model also comes with a rather nice, shattered pillar, diorama base:
Concept: Roberto Cirillo & Sculpt: Patrick Keith:
Atalanta is definitely the smallest model in the range, with also the most intricate detail. This is going to be quite the challenging model to paint up.
Style wise I can definitely recognize Patrick Keith's hand in this one, he's quite good at this style of model. As we can clearly see in his own model ranges over at Bombshell Miniatures (link)
Concept: Roberto Cirillo & Sculpt: Robby Crawforth:
As the first hero model of the range Heracles really has set the style we've seen in the models that followed him. The cloak design is a regularly returning design element, while his 'scifi' sword and armor get their own take in the Atalanta and Jason sculpts:
Concept: Roberto Cirillo & Sculpt: Valentin 'Ammon' Zak
Jason may very well be my favorite hero of the range thus far, the detailing on the face and the pose really give this character a lot of presence. Things are going to get particularly interesting once those hinted at Argonaut models show up, hopefully somewhere early next year.
Definitely hope we'll see another model or two from Valentin, he's fine detailing work is fantastic (portfolio):
THE FUTURE.......................
It would seem the model range has proven popular enough for even more releases to make it to the public in the near future. And by the sound of things, there's going to be quite a lot of cool things to add to the collection. Especially with the addition of Argonauts we're actually looking at a broad enough range that you could start coming up with specific Odyssey rules and scenarios!
One thing is certain if JoeK Minis keeps pushing this design direction at this level of casting quality I will gladly keep picking up those stunning models. Even if only to have on display for my own enjoyment! For anybody interested in picking up a model or two from the range, go check out the online store HERE.
Imperial Knights - Acastus Knight Porphyrion
6 days ago
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