Monday, 18 May 2009

A change of plan

Alrighty, I'm completely overhauling my armylist. Initially I was planning on including 3-5 different xenos mercs and allies from the Subjugator chapter. An idea which on paper looked amazing, but in reality it is turning into a uncoherent mess of squads. So here's the new armylist, month by month. And as you can see I'm somewhat behind , but I'm working on that right now:

= Unfinished after deadline (yes, I'm embarrased!). Some of these are the result of this armylist overhaul.
Green = Finished in time
Blue = Not done yet, but still before deadline

Januari: 2 troops

A. Tactical Squad
+ 5 marines
+ missile launcher
+ plasma gun (need to replace to old flamer)
= 180 points

B. Eldar Corsairs (count as sniper scouts)
+ sniper rifles
+ camo cloaks
+ heavy bolter OR missile launcher (1 model for each)
= 100 points

Februari: 1 HQ + 1 Troops

C. Captain
+ CCW and bolter
+ hellfire rounds
= 110 points

D. Scout Squad (10)
+ Heavy Bolter OR Missile Launcher (replacement unit, so haven't decided on the weapon yet).
= 150 points

March: 1 ELITE + 1 own choice

E. Dreadnought with plasmacannon
= 115 points

F. Sternguard Squadron (6)
+ Missile Launcher
+ Razorback
+ Dozerblade
= 200 points

April: 1 HS and 1 FA OR 2 FA

G. Predator Tank
+ extra armour
+ heavy bolter sponsons
= 100 points

H. Subjugator Assault Squad (8)
+ flamer
+ powerfist
= 179 points

May: 1 HS and 1 ELITE OR 2 HS

I. Terminator Squad (6)
+ cyclone launcher
+ chainfist
= 285 points

J. Thunderfire Cannon (not the most practical in this army, but I just love the idea of a really big gun and I want to keep my techmarine!)

= 100 points

June:1 TROOPS + 1 own choice
K. Space Marine Squad
+ Storm Bolter
+ Missile Launcher
= 180 points

L. Librarian
= 100 points

Bringing the total to 1799 points!

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